Manitoba government's domestic violence strategy
Manitoba government is committed to ending domestic violence and building a province where all families are healthy and strong. We invite you to review Manitoba's plan to address domestic violence. This plan is based on extensive research, consultation and input from Manitoba residents. Sources included: |
The consultation process was guided by a strategy review committee which included community agencies, police and researchers.
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence happens too often, and to all kinds of people. It happens when people in intimate relationships (dating, married or living together) use abusive behaviour to control or hurt their partners or ex-partners.
What is family violence?
Abuse within families can also have serious effects. This includes elder abuse, child abuse, abuse by immediate and extended family members, etc. If this is happening in your family, please explore available services at the links below.
Violence includes
– physical abuse
– sexual abuse & exploitation (being used for a sexual purpose)
– neglect
– mental or emotional abuse
– financial abuse
All forms of violence are unacceptable.
Who is affected by domestic violence?
Domestic violence happens to women and men of all
– ages
– cultures
– religions
– income levels
– professions
– physical and mental abilities
– sexual orientations
– gender identities
And it not only affects the people who are abused. It also affects the people who care about them.
– Workplace Initiative to Support Employees (WISE)
– What to do if you are a woman being abused.
– What to do if you are a man being abused.
– What to do if you know someone who is being abused.