Manitoba has created programs aligned to each priority to support advancing the sector towards meeting outcomes in
every space. Program details are available under the following priority areas:
The Sustainable CAP supports the sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to the impacts of climate change through supporting the adoption of practices and technologies that enhance climate change adaptation and mitigation, both on farm and in plant.
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program: Watershed Resilience
Funding is available to Watershed Districts for program activities directed towards watershed resilience.
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program: Carbon Sequestration and Grassland Resilience
Funding to increase carbon sequestration from practices related to agroforestry and grassland management.
Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba
Funding the adoption of beneficial management practices that will increase the environmental and economic sustainability of Manitoba's agriculture sector.
Sustainable Agri-Processing
Funding of initiatives that increase the environmental and economic sustainability of Manitoba's agri-food and agri-product processing sector.
The Sustainable CAP supports the sector in meeting the evolving challenges of the interconnected globalized domestic and international market place. Funding targets efforts to strengthen and grow current markets and diversify into new market areas. Manitoba Sustainable CAP programs include:
Market Development
Funding to advance the agriculture, agri-food and agri-product sector's innovation and business capacity to maintain existing markets and capture emerging market opportunities.
Sustainable CAP provides funding to the Sector to enhance capacity and competitiveness in order to expand economic
growth, drive domestic and export market activity, and enhance food security and local food capacity. Funding
targets efforts to improve productivity, efficiency and scalability, addressing labour and training needs, and
supporting capital infrastructure investments to support growth. Sustainable CAP programs include:
Capital Infrastructure and Investments
Funding to support the growth and expansion of Manitoba's agri-processing sector.
Sustainable CAP provides funding to the sector for research and innovation activities that create opportunities for improved sustainability, resiliency and competitiveness. This includes investments in basic and applied research for scale-up and pilot-scale testing of new processes, technologies and practices, and capacity building.
Research and Innovation
Funding to support the development of science based solutions and tools that address known challenges, prepare
for potential disruptions, threats and capture emerging opportunities in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Food Safety & Traceability
Funding to assist Manitoba agri-production and agri-food processing sectors in adopting and improving food safety and traceability practices.
Industry Development Initiatives
Funding is available for training and resource development projects that enhance sector resiliency and competitiveness.
Livestock Predation Prevention Program: Predator Resistant Fence Construction
Funding to support the construction of fencing that deters predators from entering calving areas, pastures, extended grazing areas, and deadstock compost areas.
Livestock Predation Prevention Program: Pre-approved Livestock Predation Prevention Equipment and Guardian Dogs Rebate Program
Funding for the purchase of pre-approved equipment and guardian dogs to deter predator attacks on livestock.
The Sustainable CAP provides funding for initiatives and the development of innovative partnerships that enhance relationships with Indigenous Peoples and increase Indigenous participation and opportunities in Manitoba's agriculture and agri-food economy; including the development and growth of local food systems to empower food sovereignty.
Relationship Development and Engagement
Funding to assist the development and delivery of engagement activities between the industry, academia and Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous Agriculture Food Systems
Funding to assist the development and delivery of activities that will increase food security and sovereignty in Indigenous communities.