Manitoba Finance

Information for Industry & Plan Sponsors

Financial Institutions – Administering LIRAs and LIFs


Form 1 - Waiver of 60% Joint Pension Entitlement Under a Pension Plan due to Terminal Illness or Disability
Form 2 - Waiver of Survivor or Death Benefit
Form 3 - Consent to Withdrawal for Non-Residency Status
Form 4 - Consent to One-Time Transfer of Manitoba Locked-In Money
Form 5A - Waiver of 60% Joint Survivor Pension for Pension Plan or Locked-In Retirement Account
Form 6 - Waiver of Division of Pension Benefit Credit After Death of Member or Pension After Death of Member
Form 7 - Consent to Withdrawal from LIRA or LIF due to Terminal Illness or Disability
Form 8 - Consent to Withdrawal or Transfer at or After Age 65 of Manitoba Locked-In Money
Sample Application for a One-Time Transfer - .doc
Sample Application for a One-Time Transfer - .pdf

Administration Forms

Application for Registration of Financial Institutions


LIRA Addendum to RRSP Contract
LIF Addendum to RRIF Contract

Forms - Pre May 31, 2010

Pension Benefits Spousal/Common-Law Partners Agreement
Pension Waiver (Joint and Survivor 66 per cent)
Pension Waiver (shortened life and small amount commutations)

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