Employment Standards

Ending Employment

Bankruptcies and Receiverships

Employees who are not paid because the employer declares bankruptcy or goes into receivership can file a claim with Manitoba Employment Standards.

Employees can also apply to the Government of Canada’s “Wage Earner Protection Program” in these situations.

Filing a Claim

The Employment Standards Code establishes the rights and responsibilities of most employees and employers in Manitoba. Employers and employees are often able to resolve disputes by speaking with Employment Standards or finding information from our website.  If employers and employees still disagree on what employees should be paid, a claim may be filed with Employment Standards. As a neutral third-party, Employment Standards can investigate and make a decision on what is owed.

Just Cause

Employers have the right to terminate employees but must give notice that the employment is ending.  An exception to the notice requirement applies where the employer can prove just cause.  Just cause refers to conduct that is of such a serious nature or extent that it essentially breaks the employment relationship.  Employment Standards investigates complaints to determine if the employer had just cause for the termination. 

Other Government Support

Employment Standards legislation does not cover all issues in the workplace. Employers and employees often ask questions better answered by another government agency or department.  

Paying Wages and Keeping Records

Employers and employees need to keep accurate records of the hours worked and the amount paid for those hours. Employers must pay employees for all hours they work and explain how the pay was calculated. Employment Standards requires employers to keep pay records for three years.  

Termination of Employment

Employment relationships can be ended by either an employer or employee. In most cases, the legislation requires the person ending the employment to give notice.