Labour and Immigration


Please see the following for frequently asked questions and responses from Inspection and Technical Services (ITS):

What type of equipment is included in this FAQ

What is a Manitoba Object Number/MB Unit No.?

What is a Canadian Registration Number (CRN)?

What is an Inspection Certificate?

Who requires a Certificate of Inspection?

How do I get an Inspection Certificate?

What do I do with the Inspection Certificate?

Why do I need a valid Inspection Certificate?

How do I know when my Inspection Certificate expires?

How do I schedule an initial inspection for a newly installed boiler/pressure vessel/refrigeration plant?

What is a Graded inspection?

What is a Grade 1 inspection?

How and when do I schedule a Grade 1 inspection?

What is a Grade 2 inspection?

How do I update my billing name and/or address?

What happens when I purchase a business with existing pressure equipment?

What happens if there is a name change to a business that is currently assigned a Grade 2 interval?

What are my responsibilities during my graded interval?

Why did my inspection fee increase?

Can I receive invoices and/or inspection certificates electronically?

I think my plant is already approved as Guarded Status, how do I know?

My plant was previously recognized as Guarded Status but I have no letter, what do I do?

What if the plant is sold, does the Guarded Status transfer to the new owners?

What if equipment is added to or removed from the plant, do I need to notify anyone?