Labour and Immigration


Assistance requires the employer's authorization to request and review WCB file documentation. The EAO may provide assistance if the employer has specific questions or concerns about a WCB decision.

The EAO may assist when the employer:

  • has questions or concerns about the decision that cannot be fully addressed without reviewing the relevant WCB file documentation
  • disagrees with the decision and is seeking information from the EAO on the merits of a possible appeal
  • is appealing and wants to know more about their options, applicable policies and legislation, the appeal submission, and the appeal process.

Employer advisors can:

  • Review WCB file documentation to help clarify and respond to questions about a claim or assessment decision
  • Interpret and explain the WCB policies that apply to your situation
  • Provide a neutral assessment of WCB's decision
  • Explain your options if you are considering an appeal
  • Describe the reconsideration and appeal processes
  • Review your appeal submission to confirm you have clearly identified the issue and presented your evidence

No, the Employer Advisor Office does not write appeals or represent employers in the appeal process. Our role is to provide employers with advice and assistance with workers compensation matters.

If you disagree with a decision from the WCB, we can discuss the policies that apply, review the evidence, provide our assessment, explain the appeal process, and review any submissions or arguments you prepare for your appeal.

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