Term |
Definition |
Agreement |
A legal contract between the Manitoba government and another party/parties which defines the purpose, terms and conditions for use of provincial funding. It may take a number of different forms depending upon the amount and purpose of the funds (funding agreement, contribution agreement, letter of agreement, memorandum of understanding, commitment letter, etc.) |
Applicant |
A person or entity who submits an application to a program and satisfies all eligibility requirements set out in the program guidelines. |
Assessment |
The process by which grant applications are evaluated and funding decisions are made. |
Capital Asset |
A tangible asset used to produce goods or deliver services (eg. infrastructure equipment, buildings, machinery). |
Charity |
An entity designated by Canada Revenue Agency as a registered charitable organization, public foundation, or private foundation; created and resident in Canada; devoting its resources to one or more of the following charitable purposes: poverty relief; advancement of education; advancement of religion or other purposes that benefit the community. |
Co-Applicant |
A person or entity who applies with the applicant and shares responsibility in achieving the project outcomes. |
Deadline |
The last date for submitting required materials to the program; may refer to application forms, supporting documentation, interim reports, final reports, budgets, etc. |
Grant |
Provincial funding provided to a party/parties for a specific purpose, for which the province does not receive the goods or services in return. |
Guidelines |
A document describing the purpose, requirements and procedures related to a grant program. |
In-kind Contribution |
Non-monetary goods or services provided by applicants or their partners to assist in the completion of an initiative. |
Non-profit Organization |
A club, society or association that is not a charity and is organized and operated solely for the purpose of social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure and recreation or any other purpose except profit (Canada Revenue Agency). |
Operating Grant |
Funding provided to support the mission, mandate and daily operation of an organization whose goals align with those of the funder (also called core funding, core operating, etc). |
Outcome |
The change, benefit or impact on individuals/communities that occurs as a result of the activity being funded. Outcomes are a critical factor in determining the success of a project. |
Partner |
Organization/individual that provides financial or in kind contributions to a project. |
Performance Indicator |
A specific unit of information used to measure progress towards the achievement of the outcome. Performance indicators form the basis for performance measurement and reporting. |
Performance Measurement |
A comparison between the goal of the project and the outcome it achieved. Performance measurement is a critical reporting requirement. |
Project |
An initiative with a fixed start and end date, its own budget that only includes project related revenues and expenses. A project is not part of an organization’s daily operations. |
Project Grant |
Funding restricted to a specific project or initiative and the related eligible expenses. A project grant entails no commitment to future funding. |